Access and Equity
Our Commitment
Our vision is to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment and community that results in everyone, including underrepresented peoples, feeling welcomed, respected, acknowledged, and valued as individuals. We are committed to holding ourselves accountable for creating a space for learning and growth that provides access to resources and opportunities for all, regardless of their background.
Operational Principles
We welcome and celebrate the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and views of our members. We know a truly diverse and inclusive environment leverages collaboration, creativity, and innovation, enriching our educational, research, and professional efforts. We strive to create an inclusive environment where diverse members of our community feel safe and supported to self-identify and express their views. This includes holding us accountable to treat others kindly, with respect and consideration.
Integrating with Research, Teaching, and Extension
The department is actively recruiting students, staff, and faculty from underrepresented groups to create opportunities and achieve parity in the department and on campus. We do this by establishing relationships and recruitment pipelines with universities that serve underrepresented minorities. We actively seek to include historically underrepresented groups in the dialogue and process of decision-making to create an environment and culture in which the accumulation of opportunities is equally accessible to all members of our community. We are committed to formally reporting bias and discrimination that we observe in the department or elsewhere on campus to the University.
The Department of Food Science has an active Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in place to discuss diversity issues and develop actionable strategies and solutions for the enhancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The committee comprises volunteer members, including students, faculty, and staff at different career levels. The committee works to identify seminar speakers from underrepresented groups who serve as role models to our students who represent the next generation of leaders in food science.