This 2.5 day workshop addresses the basic principles of sensory science from discrimination and acceptance testing to good laboratory procedures to the theoretical underpinnings for these practices. The course is delivered in a classroom and laboratory environment, and includes a mixture of theory, demonstrations, and laboratory activities using Compusense Cloud.

At the completion of the course participants will

  • Be familiar with the practical considerations that must be taken into account when running sensory tests

  • Understand chemosensory biology and how our sensory systems work

  • Gain a detailed understanding of sensory test methods and the role of sensory science and the product lifecycle

  • Learn how to interpret sensory test results and determine appropriate actions

Who should attend this course

Individuals who want to increase their knowledge and skills in basic and applied sensory science testing and analysis. It is appropriate for professionals from the following roles:

  • Product development

  • Research & development

  • Quality assurance/ control

  • Regulatory/legal

  • Market research

  • Technical service

Contact Us

John E. Hayes, Ph.D.
  • Professor of Food Science

Contact Us

John E. Hayes, Ph.D.
  • Professor of Food Science