Extension Programs
Offering current, accurate, and research-based food science information to Pennsylvania and beyond.
Outreach activities connect the resources of the Department of Food Science with our stakeholders in Pennsylvania and beyond. Faculty members with Extension appointments are the primary delivery sources for outreach programs. However, each faculty member seeks to integrate their teaching and research programs in service to food industry professionals and community members.

Curious to learn how to make beer, hard cider, and distilled spirits? Expand your knowledge of brewing and distilling with Penn State Extension resources.

Produce safe commercial food products. Stay up to date on foodborne illness outbreaks, regulations, best practices, and more. Market your products and increase profit.

Are you a commercial dairy foods processor or just starting a value-added dairy foods business? Learn more about making safe, high quality dairy foods, regulations, and business management.

Find practical resources on FSMA produce safety regulations. Learn how to properly store and handle farm food, apply good agricultural practices, and develop a food safety plan.

Are you looking to start a new food business? Are you an existing business looking to maximize your profitability? This site will lead you to business, regulatory, and food technology resources to consider when starting a new business or maintaining your existing business.

Learn what Penn State Extension is doing to address the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and provide industry with resources and training to navigate the regulations.

Uncover content to help you safely prepare and handle food. Prevent cross-contamination, foodborne illness, and kitchen pests. Safely and effectively cook for crowds.

Learn all there is to know about the winemaking process. Discover best practices on growing wine grapes, starting a winery, and making wine at home.

Put home food safety first. Find practical advice to help you with canning, freezing, cooking, and food storage. Help your family avoid foodborne illness and pests.

Following a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. Find exercise and nutrition advice and learn how to prevent chronic diseases.

Food science experiments, activities, lesson plans, and other educational materials for students and teachers.