Marlene Stauffer
- FIG Board Member
1101 Blommer Drive
East Greenville, PA 18401
- Email
- Office 215-541-2419
- Fax 215-679-4458
- B.S. Food Science, Penn State University, 1982
Professional Interest
Marlene has been with Blommer Chocolate Company since 1982. She is presently the Director of Quality Assurance/ Regulatory Compliance. She is involved with all aspects from Manufacturing, to Quality Systems, to Product Development, to Technical Assistance for customers. She has taught at several NCA and PMCA classes, spoke at PMCA, BCMA and AACT.
Marlene is a member of the PMCA Research Committee, Membership and Education Committee, Institute of Food Technologists, American Association of Candy Technologists, the NCA Chocolate and Regulatory and Health and Nutrition Committee, Pa Food Industry Advisory Board, and Food Industry Group. She is a past recipient of the Marie Kelso Award and presently the Vice President of PMCA.