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- Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Food engineering and modeling
- Heat and mass transfer during food processing
- Microwaveable food product development
- Chocolate processing
- High pressure processing
- Alan R. Warehime Faculty Chair in Agribusiness
- Director Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- College of Agricultural Sciences
- Rural Health Initiative Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Health and Wellness
- Nutrition Education
- Family Well-being
- Associate Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Human Gut Microbiome
- Carbohydrate Active Enzymes
- Dietary Fiber
- Resistant Starch
- Professor of Food Science
- Undergraduate Program Coordinator
- Professor of Food Science
- Food Safety Extension Specialist - Muscle Foods
Areas of Expertise
- Food safety
- Food microbiology
- Foodborne pathogens
- Antimicrobials
- Edible films
- Spoilage
- Meat, poultry, seafood, muscle foods
- Sanitation
- Director of E. coli Reference Center
- Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Microbiology
- Microbial pathogens
- Molecular microbiology
- Microbial genomics
- Food Safety
- Food Microbiology
- Professor and Associate Head of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Food chemistry
- Enology
- Wine oxidation
- Hop chemistry
- Antioxidants
- Lipid oxidation
- Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Dairy Processing
- Food Rheology
- Food Engineering
- Professor of Food Science
- Director, Sensory Evaluation Center
Areas of Expertise
- Sensory science
- Human psychophysics
- Taste biology
- Drug delivery systems
- Food choice
- Ingestive behavior
- Consumer acceptability
- Associate Professor of Food Science
- Director of Graduate Studies
- Program Chair, Graduate Certificate Sensory & Consumer Science
Areas of Expertise
- Sensory & Consumer Science
- Flavor Chemistry & Flavor Biochemistry
- Sensometrics & Multivariate Statistics
- Food Packaging
- Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences and Food Science
- Director of the Metabolic Kitchen and Children’s Eating Behavior Laboratory
Areas of Expertise
- Leveraging the food industry to improve child nutrition
- Improving the palatability of foods targeted at children
- Lester Earl and Veronica Casida Career Development Professor of Food Safety
- Associate Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Microbial Food Safety
- Foodborne Pathogens
- Genomic Epidemiology
- Microbiomes in Food Systems
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Associate Research Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
- Production of Wine, Beer, and Cider
- Plant Derived Metabolites
- Professor of Food Science and Extension Specialist (I am retiring shortly and am not taking on any new students)
Areas of Expertise
- Tracking Listeria monocytogenes in produce production and processing environments
- Food safety validation of mushroom growing, packing, and processing.
- L. monocytogenes in tree fruit packinghouses.
- Farm food safety (Good Agricultural Practices) training
- Hazards Analysis and Risk Based Preventive Controls training
- Technical assistance to home and commercial food processors
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
- Professor of Food Science
- Co-Director, Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health
Areas of Expertise
- Cancer Prevention by Dietary Components
- Obesity and Inflammation Prevention by Dietary Components
- Food Toxicology
- Bioavailability and Biotransformation of Dietary Components
- Natural Products Chemistry
- Professor and Head of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Microbiology
- Dairy Products Processing
- Ice Cream
- Yogurt
- Non-dairy Frozen Desserts
- Associate Teaching Professor of Food Science
- Academic Advisor
Areas of Expertise
- Student Interaction Theory
- At-Risk Student Retention
- Student Disability Resources & Accommodations
- Student Perceptions in Online & Residential Educational Environments
- Assistant Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Food mycology
- Mycotoxins
- Toxicology
- Genotype-phenotype interaction
- Nutritional immunology
- Frederik Sr. and Faith E. Rasmussen Career Development Professor in Food Science
- Assistant Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Food macromolecules & biomolecules
- Food enzymology
- Biocatalysis & Biosynthesis
- Byproducts valorization
- Food proteins & peptides
- Bioinformatics
- Distinguished Professor of Food Science
Areas of Expertise
- Food process engineering
- Food materials science
- Biopolymers
- Chocolate and confectionery