PSFIG has several distinct levels of membership available to meet your needs. Dues help finance PSFIG activities along with printing and mailing costs. They also provide funds to meet special needs of the Department of Food Science as identified by the department head.
Membership Brochure
A complete copy of the brochure is available. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the printable Membership brochure. Mail the completed brochure and dues payment to Penn State, c/o Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 202 Food Science Bldg., University Park, PA 16802.
Membership Levels
- Professional Member: $40
- Young Professional (under 30 years of age): $25
- New Graduates get one year free membership.
- Opportunities exist for providing additional financial support to the Food Science Club and its associated activities.
Department of Food Science
- Email
- Office (814) 865-5444
- Fax (814) 863-6132
Department of Food Science
- Email
- Office (814) 865-5444
- Fax (814) 863-6132