• Kathleen Keller, 2024 Hoebel Prize for Creativity, Career Award, SSIB.
  • 2024 IFTSA Regional College Bowl Championship, 1st place, Team members; , Madeline Harper  (Captain), Maddy Feeney, Heidi Mencl, Betty Raup and Joe Melchiorre.
  • 100th Collegiate Dairy Products evaluation Contest. Teams awards; 1st Place Butter,  3rd Place Cheddar Cheese, 3rd Place Cottage Cheese. Individual Awards; Grace Hwang – 2nd Place Cottage Cheese, 3rd Place Butter, Rylan Curran – 5th Place Butter, Fletcher Curran – 5th Place Butter, Ashley Ohstrom – 3rd Place Butter, 4th Place Cottage Cheese. Andy Paff – 1st Place Cheddar, 3rd Place Milk, 3rd Place Yogurt, 5th Place Ice Cream, 3rd Place All Products.
  • Jodi Butler, "We Are" Shoutout recognition, PSU News.
  • Karen Mullen, "We Are" Shoutout recognition, PSU News.
  • Zilfa Irakoze, Ardeth and Norman Frisbey International Graduate Student Leadership Award.
  • Tyler Chandross-Cohen, International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Travel Scholarship, IAFP.
  • Auja Bywater, 2nd Place, Penn State Graduate School Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, PSU.
  • Darrell Cockburn, granted tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Food Science.
  • Misha Kwasniewski, promoted to the rank of Associate Research Professor of Food Science.
  • Chris Sigler, promoted to the rank of Associate Teaching Professor of Food Science.
  • Kacie Czyszczon, 2024 Judith A. Williams Food Industry Group Undergraduate Student Leadership Award.
  • Morgan Failla, 2024 Food Industry Group Graduate Leadership Award.

Department of Food Science


202 Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Building
University Park, PA 16802