Posted: November 2, 2022
The water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus is an integrative framework for novel research to address complex challenges of sustainable and equitable resource management, economic development, and climate resilience. Graduate student fellowships are currently available at Penn State University for doctoral work on the WEF Nexus.

Examples of research topics include sustainable irrigation sourcing and treatment; urban-rural land use, water quality, and energy; WEF drivers of agricultural and forest sustainability; WEF sustainability of indoor urban agriculture; and WEF nexus of cacao production systems.
The successful candidates will enter in Fall 2023 as a cohort (an interdisciplinary group) under the College of Agriculture Sciences (CAS) Strategic New Initiatives Program (SNIP) and receive transdisciplinary training and cross-departmental mentorship to advance research and enhance impact. Cohort students will receive and help shape cohort building activities including training in WEF-related analysis and tools, a unique transdisciplinary research landscape seminar, people- and project-management skills, mentoring of undergraduate students, grantsmanship and science communication, and professional development.
Applications for Food Science PhD program are due on December 15, 2022 via